Richmond TX

Dental bonding is repairing, rebuilding, and restoring damaged tooth structures utilizing resins composed of plastic and glass combinations. It is a quick procedure that can be finished in only 45 minutes. Tooth decay, misshapen teeth, discolored teeth, fractured teeth, and spaces between teeth are all problems that dental bonding can treat.

The Two Primary Types Of Dental Bonding Procedures

Dentists use two techniques when using composite resin to restore teeth. Which are:

Direct Bonding: 

The surfaces of the teeth are roughened by the dentist using an etching solution. This results in a longer-lasting repair and a stronger relationship with the tooth. The dentist typically applies the composite in several layers, which are hardened using ultraviolet light. This type of dental bonding procedure requires one dental visit.

Indirect Bonding: 

With this method, the composite filling for the broken tooth is made outside of a dental lab. The completed restoration is affixed to the fractured tooth to end the procedure. This necessitates at least two clinic visits.

How Has Composite Bonding Changed Dental Practice?

Composite bonding allows broken teeth to be easily repaired without sacrificing appearance. Fillings were once the norm for treating tooth decay, but they were not the most visually acceptable solution. When fillings are used to restore teeth, their dark grey color is frequently noticeable.

Composites can be used to fix teeth without requiring any long-term changes to them. As composite resins can be colored to match the patient's other teeth, any repairs done with them are practically invisible until the composite starts to discolor. Enamel removal is necessary for restorations like crowns and veneers, which permanently alter the teeth. To continue serving as artificial enamel, it will constantly require repair.


Some Crucial Factors Regarding Composite Bonding Include:

  • Composite-repaired teeth don't need to be cleaned in a particular way.
  • With proper dental hygiene, composite repairs can last up to five years.
  • Dentists advise patients to avoid foods and drink high in tannins, such as coffee and pasta sauce, as composites are more sensitive to discoloration than natural teeth.
  • Touch-up treatments can strengthen composites and lengthen their lifespan.
  • Dental bonding composites are less intense than natural teeth. Dentists advise patients to avoid hard foods that can chip composite fillings.
  • Destructive behaviors like teeth grinding can harm composite repairs. Dentists can supply a nightguard to protect teeth from forces caused by teeth grinding.
  • Teeth whitening procedures cannot whiten composites. Before having their teeth fixed with composite fillings, people who want a whiter smile should whiten their teeth.

Fix Your Broken Teeth with Bonding in Richmond, TX

Our dentist will first perform a comprehensive examination and assessment of your teeth and gums to see if your dental issues can be resolved with direct composite bonding. They will review the clinical and aesthetic problems, such as cavities, chips, cracks, fractures, gaps and spaces between teeth, and tooth discoloration, that direct composite bonding can address during your appointment. However, other solutions, such as crowns or veneers, may be presented to you if your teeth are severely damaged or if our dentist believes that other dental problems could impair the effectiveness and durability of direct composite bonding therapy. To properly assess your candidature entails taking and analyzing X-rays of your teeth.

Did we get teeth that are stained or damaged? To schedule a consultation with our Richmond dentist, contact us by phone or come by our office.