Implant Overdentures Richmond TX

At Inspire Smiles, we specialize in implant overdentures- a solution for those missing one or more teeth and wanting to enjoy a beautiful and natural-looking smile. Our expert team of implant dentists will provide you with the best care possible so you can regain the full function of your mouth while enjoying all the benefits of an implant-supported prosthesis.

Am I A Candidate For Implant Overdentures?

Suppose you have lost some or all of your teeth due to periodontal disease, dental trauma, cavities, or other reasons. In that case, you may be a good candidate for implant overdentures. The best way to know if this type of treatment is right for you is to schedule an appointment with our experienced professionals at Inspire Smiles in Richmond. During this visit, we will evaluate your lifestyle needs, medical history, and oral health status before determining the suitable option that would be most beneficial for achieving optimum results.

Signs That You Need Implant Overdenture

Some signs that indicate it might be time to consider getting implant overdenture include:

  • Difficulty speaking clearly;
  • Pain when chewing; inability to keep denture firmly held in place;
  • Loose-fitting denture causing irritation or soreness;
  • Multiple missing teeth make it difficult to eat certain foods without assistance from adhesive products like paste and powder.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, then contact us today! We can help find the right solution tailored to meet your needs.


Richmond, TX Implant Dentist

At Inspire Smiles in Richmond, we pride ourselves on providing personalized service tailored to each patient's unique situation. Our team has extensive experience working with patients needing tooth replacements, including those seeking implants and traditional removable prosthetics such as complete dentures and partial bridges/plates. We understand how important having a great-looking smile is. Hence, we strive every day to ensure our customers leave with functional and aesthetically pleasing results too!
Implant overdentures have a survival rate of 95% in the maxillary arches and almost 100% in the mandibular arches.

Benefits Of Implant Overdenture

There are many benefits of an implant overdenture over a traditional denture:

  1. They are much more stable and do not slip or move around in the mouth. This makes it easier to eat and speak without worrying about your dentures coming loose.
  2. They look and feel more natural than a traditional denture, as they are supported by implants that mimic the function of natural teeth roots.
  3. Implant overdentures are a more permanent solution than traditional dentures, as they can be securely fixed in place with implants.

Gum-Supported Implant

A gum-supported implant is an artificial tooth that is supported by the gums. It is a popular choice for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to injury, disease, or aging. The gum-supported implant can be made to look like your natural teeth and can be used to restore your smile.

Implant Overdenture Supported To A Bar

An implant overdenture is a type of denture that is supported by implants. It is an excellent option for people who have lost their natural teeth and want to regain their ability to eat and speak properly. The implant overdenture is also more durable and comfortable than a traditional denture. There are two types of implant overdentures: bar-retained and ball-retained. The bar-retained implant overdenture is attached to a metal bar along the gum line.

Fixed Implant Overdenture

A Fixed Implant Overdenture is an excellent option for those missing all or most teeth. This type of denture is attached to implants placed in the jawbone. The implants act as anchors for the denture, making it much more stable than a traditional denture. This can give you the confidence to eat and speak without worrying that your denture will slip.

Tooth-Supported Overdenture

A tooth-supported overdenture is an artificial dental prosthesis supported by natural teeth. It is used to replace one or more missing teeth. The overdenture is made of a metal or acrylic base that fits over the existing teeth, and false teeth are attached to the base.
Implant overdentures are considered to be effective for approximately one-third of Americans older than 65 years of age.

How Can An Implant Dentist Help Me?

An implant dentist can help you at Inspire Smiles by providing you with the necessary dental implants to improve your smile. Dental implants are a great way to enhance your appearance and self-confidence, and an implant dentist can help you choose the right type of implant for your needs.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Implant Dentists In Richmond Today!

If you're looking for an experienced and qualified implant dentist in Richmond, schedule an appointment with our team today. We have a wide range of experience and expertise in implant dentistry, and we're dedicated to providing our patients with the best possible care. We offer various implant options, including single implants, multiple implants, and total arch replacements. We also offer financing options to make treatment affordable for everyone. So whether you're missing one or all of your teeth, we can help you restore your smile. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Implant Overdenture FAQs

With proper care and maintenance, implant overdentures can last a lifetime, which accounts for over 10 years.