Intraoral Camera


Routine dental appointments are changing thanks to intraoral cameras. The patient can understand diagnoses and choose appropriate treatments thanks to the intraoral camera's unique perspective of each tooth. 

The intraoral camera makes dentistry more engaging. The computing device at the side of the dentist's chair is connected to the intraoral camera. A movie of the inner mouth is made when a pen-sized device is introduced into the mouth. This video may be magnified more than 30 times.


What Benefits Can The Intraoral Camera Offer?

Using intraoral cameras is a comfortable procedure for patients and offers an accurate teeth evaluation. Following are some of the primary applications of an intraoral camera:

Dental Education

In dentistry, prevention, and education are of utmost importance. The intraoral camera can highlight potential hygienic gaps in the home. Then, any issues can be fixed without the need for elaborate treatments.

Exposing Hidden Problems 

Early signs of conditions, including mouth cancer and gum disease, may be easy to ignore. The dentist and the patient can more easily see these problems thanks to the intraoral camera.

Treatment Planning

No matter how thoroughly a dentist may explain a situation, it is still simpler to comprehend if the problem can be seen. Patients can better understand why specific procedures are suggested for optimal health benefit and attractiveness by seeing tooth decay and problematic teeth.

Assessing Progress 

Specific dental treatments have a gradual effect. The intraoral camera enables treatment to be changed along the route to ensure that desired outcomes are realized.

Eliminating Uncertainty

The fear that a dentist is conducting unnecessary procedures is among the most prevalent among patients. The intraoral camera identifies problem areas, which makes people less likely to withhold required treatment.

Referrals To Specialists 

Sometimes a patient needs extensive therapy and must be sent to a specialist. Consultation times and costs can be minimized if the specialist can view clear images of the teeth beforehand.

What Purpose Will The Intraoral Camera Serve?

The intraoral camera resembles a pen in both size and shape. To prevent the spread of germs from patient to patient, it is covered with a reusable sheath. The tiny wand is placed within the mouth and rotated until complete images of all the teeth are captured.

One of the most valuable and adaptable diagnostic devices is the intraoral camera. A television screen receives the visuals in movie format. The dentist can explain and analyze any apparent issues by pausing the movie and enlarging photos of specific teeth. The fact that the intraoral camera spares patients from radiation exposure is among its most significant benefits.

Get The Benefit With The Intraoral Camera in Richmond, TX

Every patient appreciates the painless, accurate, quick, and easy intraoral camera. We can see everything orally because it can easily fit within your mouth. We won't make you say "Cheese!" before taking the photo!

Call our Richmond dentists immediately if you want to use our Intraoral camera in our office so we can schedule your appointment as soon as possible.